Empowerment, Encouragement, Healing, Inspiration, life, self growth, Spirituality, Wellness

Super Power

In my dream last night I was reminded of my power. It’s a subtle power like a ripple in the water. I was reminded my power doesn’t have to be loud to make a statement or impact. Power is effective when there is awareness of its presence. I am Power! Do you also need to be reminded of your power? You are Power!

Empowerment, Encouragement, Inspiration, Spirituality

Abundant Life 


I like order and structure. I like to group things into boxes so that I can process them.  I was pondering on this trait of mine one morning in my worship when my Creator provided me with an epiphany.  The best piece of wisdom I received from Him that morning. I learned that when you fully take hold of a true abundant life there are no boxes.  A life lived under the Creator’s idea for you is a life of authenticity and truth of self. This kind of life has NO LIMITS as to what you can do!

This made me think about God’s words in John 10:10…

John 10

God wants me to be the best me! So many of us go through life never truly experiencing the best them.  Some haven’t even discovered their true self. They are living a life that has been defined by someone else.  I too once lived a half full life.  And when I lived that half full life I always felt like there had to be more to life than this. Then and only then when I began to explore these questions with my Creator did I begin to learn and fully grasped what my Creator wants for me.  He wants me to live a life with no boundaries of what He can and will do through me.  He wants me to live John 10:10!

I encourage you to spend time learning about you.  Do not shy away from your true self. Explore you and discover your John 10:10.


Religion, Spirituality

An Open Letter to the Christian Moderate 


I’ve come to realize that the greatest stumbling block to spreading the message of Jesus Christ isn’t the atheist, anti-religious, or non-believers in Jesus the Son of God.   It’s the Christian Moderate who is more devoted to “order”, “traditions”, “rules”, “social status”, “judging in self-righteous” than to social justice and equality, acceptance of all, love, non-judgmental attitude and selflessness.  Who prefers warming their church seat and having hallelujah praise the Lord good time in church while they turn around and judge and talk about their neighbor behind their back…who prefer their after church potlucks where the conversation is anything but holy or their church committee positions rather than have the willingness and courage to truly be the Good Samaritan…to stand for Christ love even at the risk of being labeled an outcast or tension maker.  The Christian Moderate has been more cautious than courageous and has remained silent behind the false security of stained glass windows. todays christian This frame of mind must change my fellow Christians.  This mind set from being the person who says at the church meetings “I agree we must evangelize”, but unwilling to think outside the box and try new progressive ways to bring others to Christ…who believes we can continue the same ole conservative traditional ways of reaching others…who lives by a mythical concept of change and growth.  A shallow understanding of Christ true mission for the church with good intentions is more frustrating than misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection. I do not say these things as one who’s always looking to find fault with the church.  I say this as a passionate committed follower of Jesus Christ who loves His church and has been sustained by the spiritual blessings of experiencing the love, forgiveness, grace and mercy of choosing a relationship with Him.  I choose to remain true to Christ and His church until my dying days.  However, these poignant words written by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., still ring true today, “If today’s church does not recapture the sacrificial spirit of the early church, it will lose its authenticity, forfeit the loyalty of millions, and be dismissed as an irrelevant social club with no meaning for the twentieth century.”  I often meet young people whose disappointment with the church has turned into outright disgust…so my message comes from a place of love and passion of wanting others to have the opportunity to experience “The True Nature of Jesus Christ” to experience His “Essence of Love”. true christians

Spirituality, Wellness

The Beginning of Wisdom

Oh be careful little eyes….A children’s bible song learned when I was little.  The song didn’t hold much meaning to me when I was younger…but as I grew older I became aware of the power in the message of this song.  The beginning of wisdom is, “knowing the fear of the Lord”.  I use to find the language in this message contradicting to the fact we should not live in fear.  However, as I studied the subject matter I developed a deeper understanding of what it means to know “the fear of the Lord”.

This fear does not  represent being afraid, worried or harmed…God is sometimes depicted as a deity if you cross Him, watch out because He will get you…this is a false representation of God’s true character.  The fear of the Lord simply means that He is Omnipresent-always with us…A personal and intimate God who cares about every intricate detail of your life. Knowing and believing this concept of an always present God transforms and empowers.  You develop a new attitude and walk with authority knowing that your life serves a purpose much bigger than you can imagine.

The psalms speak of seeking Him daily and His presence will be known.  By living this truth you experience a life-style shift.  Bad habits become obsolete and healthier habits are formed, your social circle and pastime evolve into something purposeful and meaningful.  You develop a new perspective and the ripple effect begins…

“Keep your eyes open for God; watch for His works, be alert for signs of His presence.”  Psalm 105:4 MSG


Spirituality, Wellness

The Dirt in My Soles

If you ask any marathon runner, what’s the secret to successfully completing the race, they would mostly likely say find the beauty in the journey rather than the finish line.  Life is a series of journeys, each journey leading to self growth and new discoveries about the world around you.  You begin to understand how we are all interconnected and play a role to the contribution of making this world a better place.

The day I stopped “trying to be” and started just “being” is the day I entered into the next phase of my journey.  The process of “finding me” wasn’t easy, but I learned not to fear the journey but embrace it.  This journey has strengthened and empowered me.  This journey lead me to living my truth…and to think He’s still not done with me…there’s still more journeys to travel!  I’m humbled at God’s willingness to take someone like me who was lost in a sea of low-self-esteem and confidence, a person who was living within the confinement of her past poor choices, a person whose prison cells were shame and fear and un-forgiveness to self.  God took the time to kneed, mold and reshape me…He helped me find the voice He had place inside of me.  This process took time it didn’t happen overnight it was a marathon journey.  He was doing a work in me even when I didn’t see or feel it patiently re-building me in Him.

The chains are now broken and I am liberated!  Free to be the unique person He designed contributing to the world utilizing the gifts and talents placed in me. Liberated to live out my purpose!

Be encourage on your life’s journey the path will have ups and downs, winds and turns, but at each leg is self-growth and new discoveries.  Let your journey take you to someplace amazing!

Humanity, Service, Social Advocacy, Spirituality, Wellness

Kryptonite Fear

Growing up Superman was my favorite superhero.  His powers defied human capabilities.  However, he did have one weakness (no it wasn’t Lois) but kryptonite….this caused him to lose all his powers and become so weak he was subject to his enemies.

This kind of crippling weakness reminds me of the power of fear.  Fear drives wars between nations, wedges between different cultural and ethnicities, greed that causes poverty and suffering.  Fear limits the possibility of achieving dreams and aspirations.  A simple four letter word that packs a whole lot of punch!

The opposite of fear is LOVE.  Love opens your heart and mind to reconciliation, healing, tolerance, civil liberty, social justice and so much more.  Love opens the door of your heart to believe in the impossible! Love offers you a life of freedom, the opportunity to grow and in the process discover “A New You”.  A “New You” that could make a lasting impact on our society.


You may ask what steps I should take to loosen the grip of fear in my life:

When facing fears you must ask yourself is this a real threat or is this False Evidence Appearing Real (FEAR) if it is the latter attempt to push beyond the fear and keep moving forward;

Take a risk and step outside your comfort zone;

Learn about a different culture;

Get involve in your community and or a global social cause;

Be patient with yourself during the process.

A friend of mine has a sign written on her wall that reads, “Do not fear for it is written in the Bible 365 times not to fear”.  This quote made me think about God’s love for mankind that He foreknew we would have to live in a world where we experience fear.  Therefore He placed in His word 365 times as an everyday daily reminder NOT TO FEAR!

I encourage you to start everyday mediating on the good things He has done in your life.  It’s in the praise where fear loses its grip and power!



Humanity, Spirituality, Wellness

It’s all in your perspective

The power of the mind has always been fascinating to me…There is no doubt in my mind that we are intelligently designed.  The minds ability to take a negative life event and change the outlook into something positive so that the negative event no longer is a hindrance but becomes a driving force towards accomplishing your goals is simply AMAZING!  Take stories from countless of people who have experienced every set back unimaginable but with each set back they were motivated to PUSH forward towards their goals.  I believe we were created by God with the power of perspective…Our perspective on a situation can either move us forward or take us backwards. In order to maintain a healthy perspective on life events we must protect the healthiness of our mind.  We do this by practicing a holistic wellness life-style…mind-body-soul/spirit:

  • Maintaining Spiritual Growth
  • Exercise & Nutrition
  • Social Connectedness
  • Exercising the Power of Forgiveness
  • Balance of Work & Home
  • Restraining from Negative Media

Way before new age psychologist began discussion on realizing the benefits of holistic wellness….King Solomon, the wisest king in ancient Biblical times spoke of holistic living. In his book of Proverbs and also book of Ecclesiastes you find meaningful lessons on living a holistic life-style.

Whatever negativity in your thoughts that’s keeping you from Living Your Purpose…Make today a new day…A NEW PERSPECTIVE!

Lifes Perspective
