Empowerment, Encouragement, Healing, Inspiration, life, self growth, Spirituality, Wellness

Super Power

In my dream last night I was reminded of my power. It’s a subtle power like a ripple in the water. I was reminded my power doesn’t have to be loud to make a statement or impact. Power is effective when there is awareness of its presence. I am Power! Do you also need to be reminded of your power? You are Power!

Empowerment, Healing, Humanity, poetry, Social Advocacy, Social Cause, Social Equality, Social Issues, Social Justice, Uncategorized

Can you hear?

A mighty rushing wind
Can you hear
East, West
North, South
Can you hear
A harmony of sound
Can you hear
It’s calling
Can you hear
A crescendo
Can you hear it now
A mighty rushing wind
Demanding change
Encouragement, Healing, Humanity, Inspiration, life, self growth, Service, Social Advocacy, Social Cause, Social Equality, Social Issues, Social Justice, Spirituality, Tolerance, Uncategorized

20/20 Vision


This year I choose to see.  I choose to see everything that is around me globally.  I choose to see not just with my eyes but with my ears, hands, legs, heart, mind, and spirit. I choose to learn about others by listening and accept diversity in its truest spirit. I choose to use my hands and voice to advocate for the oppress and most vulnerable in our society.  I choose to walk in someone else’s shoes.  I choose to pay attention to what is happening globally.  I choose to not turn a blind eye to the hurt and suffering happening around this world.  I choose to seek and understand the crisis that many around this world are facing due to the historical ripple effect of colonialism, imperialism, classism, racism, and corruption of power.  I choose to examine my own personal and spiritual growth and make action-oriented changes identified.  Imagine what could happen if each of us “picked up our mantel” and lived purpose.  Imagine the difference globally we could make if every individual chose to see.  I choose to live this year with 20/20 vision, and I challenge you to do the same.

2020 vision

Encouragement, Holiday, Humanity, Inspiration, life, Spirituality, Uncategorized

Love is Christmas


In my older years I have come to appreciate the more meaningful things in life.  We can become blinded by the commercialism of the holiday.  We can get lost in material wants and desires.  But to experience real joy and peace comes from things that can’t be wrapped and placed under the Christmas tree. I am speaking of priceless gifts that will never wear or tear, gifts like knowing yourself, value, and purpose. I am also talking about other priceless gifts such as, the gift of time, freedom, the ability to reason and think, and most importantly the gift of love. The gift of love is free and if chosen can be given and spread like a wildfire. Life may not be where you would like it to be and you may not have the materialistic things you dreamed you would by this point in your life, but know and believe this, the gifts mentioned above, reap a valuable return that money could never buy.  If you don’t remember anything else, remember that love is free of charge and in abundance. I challenge you during this holiday season to look around and see how you can share a little bit of love with someone and in return be filled with twice as much.

Live Love, Receive Joy, Experience Peace

Love is Christmas Sara Bareilles

life, self growth, Uncategorized, Wellness

Keeping It Real

“It was the truth I chose to omit from my life” A scene in the movie Black Panther that many perhaps bypassed…but those words lingered in my ears. “It was the truth I chose to omit from my life.” I had to ask myself…or there any truths I am choosing to omit? Are there parts of me that I’ve made excuses for so long that I can no longer see the truth? Hard questions lead to growth, and growth leads to discovery, and discovery leads to change, and change leads to freedom. It leads to the type of freedom that allows you to confidently walk into your God given purpose.

It’s a question I challenge you to face…Are there truths you are omitting from your life? What has your inner spirit shared with you days, weeks, months or even years ago that you chose to push aside and pretend the reality doesn’t exist? Starting today together let’s begin the process of “Keeping it Real”.

Empowerment, Healing, Inspiration, life, self growth, Uncategorized, Wellness

Define Truth 



We live in a time where everyone is seeking to “live out their truth”. I recall the movie, “A Few Good Men”, and the famous line by the actor Jack Nicholson, “You Can’t Handle the Truth”.

Seek Truth
I was reflecting on this topic recently thinking about how people can become so offensive to you because you seek to live your truth.  Then I began to ponder the fact that we live in a society who proclaims that truth is all relative and it depends on the perspective of the individual.  But doesn’t that take away from the very nature of what truth is? I believe in order to tackle this thought you must first ask yourself this question; what is the foundation of truth? I believe that truth has a root it springs from and I believe that foundation is The One and Only Creator.  I believe My Maker is truth and His desire is for me to live a full authentic life. I believe He guides us to our truth. The closer we become to Him the more we learn our truth.
I believe when this piece is missing from the equation truth becomes distorted.  I believe this is the reason why so many people end up living unfulfilled facade lives. The truth can be scary to face.  But if you gather the courage to ask the question, “Who am I and what is my truth”; the response may not be what you would like to hear; but it is exactly the asking and seeking of the truth to this question, that leads to freedom and authentic living.
Can you handle the truth?
Empowerment, Encouragement, Inspiration, Spirituality

Abundant Life 


I like order and structure. I like to group things into boxes so that I can process them.  I was pondering on this trait of mine one morning in my worship when my Creator provided me with an epiphany.  The best piece of wisdom I received from Him that morning. I learned that when you fully take hold of a true abundant life there are no boxes.  A life lived under the Creator’s idea for you is a life of authenticity and truth of self. This kind of life has NO LIMITS as to what you can do!

This made me think about God’s words in John 10:10…

John 10

God wants me to be the best me! So many of us go through life never truly experiencing the best them.  Some haven’t even discovered their true self. They are living a life that has been defined by someone else.  I too once lived a half full life.  And when I lived that half full life I always felt like there had to be more to life than this. Then and only then when I began to explore these questions with my Creator did I begin to learn and fully grasped what my Creator wants for me.  He wants me to live a life with no boundaries of what He can and will do through me.  He wants me to live John 10:10!

I encourage you to spend time learning about you.  Do not shy away from your true self. Explore you and discover your John 10:10.


Encouragement, Inspiration, Wellness



If you ever experienced vertigo or know someone who has you are aware how off center you feel.  Almost like a baby learning how to walk for the first time.  When a person feels wobbly their security level is low because of the uncertainty of falling.  Sometimes in life I feel wobbly.  I feel like I’m in vertigo land…dizzy, off-centered and fragile…it is times like this I lean. Now you just can’t lean anywhere or on anyone because some places or people you lean on can make matters worse and you end up feeling even more insecure than you did before.  It’s a hard life lesson I’ve had to learn…choose wisely where you lean, who you lean on and how you lean.

How You Lean

Sometimes the “how we lean” can become unhealthy even if it’s with the right person.  For example, you may have a very good trustworthy friend who you are able to share all your troubles with but you must be mindful when you are leaning too heavy on just that one person.  Our friends are not dumping grounds where we load up all our trash and then throw it at their feet.  This can be overwhelming, even for a true friend, so being mindful of “how you lean” is important.  If you find you are carrying a truck load of garbage, whether it’s due to childhood abuse, adult traumatic experiences or etc, then it may be helpful to find a Professional Counselor to become one of the persons to lean on during your “Wobbly Season”.


Where You Lean

When it comes to the “where you lean”, I suggest places that provide a safe and trusting community.  I have found some of the following places to be great avenues for people when needing that extra support:

Church small groups

Group counseling at a support center that addresses what you are dealing with

Visiting a local gym or park for physical activity

Book Club

The goal is to locate places that will provide you with healthy company and outlets to let off steam.

Who You Lean On

My Creator is first and foremost the top “Who” on my list.  I have found Him to be the one and only who can handle my truck load of garbage.  Who also will speak to me gently and let me know if my truck load of garbage needs to be taken to a Professional Counselor for further support.  I need daily connection with Him through prayer, reading a short devotional, studying my Bible and meditation.  The other “Who” for me are a very small list consisting of only my husband, sisters, and sisterhood friends.  I suggest not having EVERYBODY on the ‘Who” list because not EVERYBODY is appropriate for this type of list.  We must be able to discern the difference between “social friendships” and “sisterhood/brotherhood friendships”.  When these two areas of friendship get blurred you can find yourself feeling alone when you need someone the most.  You want people who truly care about your well being who provide honest feedback, validation of your feelings, loyalty and emotional support.


During the wobbly periods on your journey remember this is temporary and your balance will be restored.  Remember you are not alone…although many try to fake like they have never been wobbly…trust me there’s fellow wobblers out there…and I’m one of them! Finally but not least, most importantly reach out and lean on healthy places and people.

Inspiration, poetry

I receive the blessing!


It’s a new day!

If the sun is shining or it’s pouring raining

It’s a new day!

I woke up in my right mind and feeling just fine

Clothes on my back and food on my table

I believe in God and I know He’s able

Don’t have everything I want and sometimes lack material needs

But I’m blessed to have the free things indeed

Love, joy, peace and forgiveness

Family and friends who love me

A purpose driven life

I think I’m doing alright

On my good days and on my bad

Rather I’m sad or glad

I keep my head up and think on these things

That I have blessings all around me to receive

