self growth, Wellness

The Elephant in the Room

We dress it up to camouflage.  We cover up to conceal.  We dance around to ignore.  No matter what you do it’s still there…the elephant in the room.  What is your elephant…jealousy, pride, difficulty in relationships, denial about your “true” self, fear, self-hate, addiction?


If you don’t address the elephant you can’t deal with the damage it has done. The elephants in the room injure our mind, body and spirit.  It stunts our ability for growth and living “authentic” lives.


So how do you eat an elephant?  One small bite at a time…Start with the root. Investigate the root to your issues. Getting to the root of a problem is getting to the cold hard truth.  Facing our truths is where the journey begins.  After facing our truths the next important thing is acknowledge the truth speak it and begin to live it. What’s also important is acceptance of one’s truth…accepting your past mistakes, accepting the wrongs that have been done…after accepting then forgiveness…forgive those who have wrong you and most importantly forgive yourself…the final chuck is love…the opposite of fear and hate is love…having love for yourself and others including those who have hurt or wronged you frees your spirit. The love allows you to move on to refocus on living your purpose…when we realize, accept and practice this kind of love were capable to see the contribution we can make to this world…we realize our purpose and value is far greater.

Once we tackle our individual elephants we can collectively begin to face our global elephants. The global elephants that our countries governments continue to ignore…climate change, unfair labor practices, water crisis, food insecurity, classism, racism…elephants that have been in the room for years and years but walked around.


Are you ready to take a small bite today?


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